Happy Raksha Bandhan Wishes For Soldiers 2020:- Are you Indian Army lover OR Your brother is in Indian Army Soldiers. And you want to wish them in this Raksha Bandhan 2020. So Here you will find the charming collections of best Wishes, Quotes, Messages for India Army Soldiers.
Our Hindu Parv team always brings best wishes for you on festivals. So that there are no shortcomings in your happiness. For more Indian festivals visit our website Hindu Parv. Where you will get best wishes, quotes, greetings, messages, images, whatsapp status, etc. for the up coming festivals.
Happy Raksha Bandhan (Rakhi) 2020
The sacred and unbreakable relationship of Raksha Bandhan siblings, which is celebrated with great pomp in India every year. Rakshabandhan is also known as Rakhi or Rakhi Bandhan. In which the sister ties a rakhi in her brother’s hands and wishes him a long life and success. And the same brother vows on the same day that he will accompany his sister all the time. And will protect him from every evil eye. So that is when it comes to the Indian Army. So on this day many sisters have tied rakhi on the wrists of their military brothers. And wish them a skilled future. So to maintain this love of sisters towards their military brothers, we have brought for you raksha bandhan wishes for soldiers 2020.

CLICK HERE:- हैप्पी रक्षा बंधन Wishes, Quotes, Messages, Greetings For Brother 2020
CLICK HERE:- हैप्पी रक्षा बंधन Wishes, Quotes, Messages, Greetings For Sister 2020
raksha bandhan wishes for soldiers
Indian army is a heart of India without them we don’t feel protected, Jai Hind:
!!! Happy Raksha Bandhan to Indian Army !!!
Dear ‘Jawan’ Brother,
On this propitious ‘Raksha Bandhan’
I write to you to convey my regards and best wishes for Rakhi
And for protecting me as you shield our Motherland India.
Kar chale hum fida, Jano-tan sathiyo, ab tumhare hawale watan sathiyo, Bharat Mata Ki Jai: Very Very Very Happy Raksha Bandhan to Our Indian Army !!!
shayari for soldiers on raksha bandhan
जहाँ हम और तुम हिन्दू-मुसलमान के फर्क में लड़ रहे हैं,
कुछ लोग हम दोनों के खातिर सरहद की बर्फ में मर रहे हैं.
नींद उड़ गया यह सोच कर, हमने क्या किया देश के लिए,
आज फिर सरहद पर बहा हैं खून मेरी नींद के लिए.
जय हिन्द
जहर पिलाकर मजहब का, इन कश्मीरी परवानों को,
भय और लालच दिखलाकर तुम भेज रहे नादानों को,
खुले प्रशिक्षण, खुले शस्त्र है खुली हुई शैतानी है,
सारी दुनिया जान चुकी ये हरकत पाकिस्तानी है,
जय हिन्द
CLICK HERE:- Happy Rakhi ‘Raksha Bandhan’ 2020 Images
CLICK HERE:- Happy Rakhi (Raksha Bandhan) 2020 Quotes & SMS for Younger Brother
raksha bandhan message for soldiers in hindi
राखी का त्यौहार हमें याद दिलाता है,
की वहां दूर सरहद पर कोई है,
जो हर लम्हा खड़ा रहकर हमारे देशा की,
हमारे परिवार की और हमारी रक्षा कर रहा है,
और आज हम उन सभी इंडियन आर्मी के
जवानों को रक्षा बंधन की शुभकामनाएं देते हैं।
सिर्फ एक सिपाही ही है जो बिना स्वार्थ के,
हर दिन हर रात, हर सुख में, हर दुख: में,
हर पर हमारी रक्षा करता है और मजबूत चट्टान की तरह खड़ा रहता है।
सभी जवान भाईयों को राखी की बहुत बहुत शुभकामानाऐं।
हमारा हर दिन खुशियों से भरा है,
हर शाम में सुकून है,
हर त्यौहार में रोनक है,
हर खुशी में रंगत है,
क्योंकि हिन्दुस्तान की आर्मी हर लम्हा
सरहद पर मजबूती के साथ खड़ी है…
हमारी इंडियन आर्मी को रक्षा-बंधन की ढेरो बधाई।
raksha bandhan message for soldiers
सीमा नहीं बना करतीं हैं काग़ज़ खींची लकीरों से,
ये घटती-बढ़ती रहती हैं वीरों की शमशीरों से.
जय हिन्द
हर पल हम सच्चे भारतीय बनकर देश के प्रति अपना फर्ज निभायेंगे.
जरूरत पड़ी तो लहू का एक-एक कतरा देकर इस धरती का कर्ज चुकायेंगे.
जय हिन्द
CLICK HERE:- 35+ Happy Raksha Bandhan Wishes and Messages for Sister 2020
CLICK HERE:-50+ Happy Rakhi (Raksha Bandha) 2020 Quotes & SMS for Elder Brother
raksha bandhan messages for soldiers in english
Our day is full of happiness,
Every evening is relaxing
Ronk is in every festival,
Every happiness has color
Because the army of hindustan every moment
Standing firmly on the outskirts…
Congratulations to our Indian Army on Raksha Bandhan.
On the occasion of Rakhi, the first person to be greeted is our Hindustani Jawan who protects us without any Rakhi,
They fight against every difficulty and also sacrifice their lives,
Wish you a very happy Rakhi.
The festival of Rakhi reminds us,
That there is someone on the outskirts
Who stood every moment of our country,
Is protecting our family and us,
And today we are all of those Indian Army
Wishing Raksha Bandhan the soldiers.
raksha bandhan greeting card for soldiers
har pal ham sachche bhaarateey banakar desh ke prati apana pharj nibhaayenge. jaroorat padee to lahoo ka ek-ek katara dekar is dharatee ka karj chukaayenge. jay hind
To the bravest and the most loved Indian jawans, sending our best wishes on the auspicious occasion of Raksha Bandhan…. You are like our brothers who are always there to keep us safe and smiling by giving their lives and comforts….. Happy Rakhi to you.
CLICK HERE:- श्री कृष्ण जन्माष्टमी 2020: Best Wishes, Quotes In Hindi
raksha bandhan message for soldiers in marathi
राखीचा सण आपल्याला आठवण करून देतो,
कि बाहेरील भागात कोणीतरी आहे
कोण आमच्या देशातील प्रत्येक क्षण उभे,
आपल्या कुटुंबाचे आणि आपले संरक्षण करीत आहे,
आणि आज आम्ही सर्व त्या भारतीय सैन्यात आहोत
सैनिकांना रक्षाबंधनाच्या शुभेच्छा.
स्वार्थाशिवाय एकच सैनिक आहे,
दररोज प्रत्येक रात्री, प्रत्येक आनंद, प्रत्येक दुःख
प्रत्येकाचे आपले रक्षण करते आणि मजबूत खडकासारखे उभे आहे.
सर्व तरुण बांधवांना राखीच्या हार्दिक शुभेच्छा.
आपला दिवस आनंदाने भरला आहे,
प्रत्येक संध्याकाळ विश्रांती घेते
रॉक प्रत्येक उत्सवात असतो,
प्रत्येक आनंदाचा रंग असतो
कारण प्रत्येक क्षणी हिंदुस्तानची फौज
बाहेरील बाजूवर ठामपणे उभे रहा…
रक्षाबंधनात आमच्या भारतीय सैन्याचे अभिनंदन.
raksha bandhan messages for indian soldiers
We may not tie Rakhi to you but despite that, without any fail, during good and bad, from day and night, in health and in sickness…. You are always standing like a strong shield protecting us from our enemies and keeping us safe…. Wishing Indian army a very Happy Raksha Bandhan.
Rakhi ke avsar par sabse pehli badhai ke haqdar humare Hindustani jawan hain jo bina kisi rakhi ke hi humari raksha karte hain, har muskhil se ladte hain aur apne praan bhi nyochavar karte hain….. Happy Raksha Bandhan to you.
raksha bandhan quotes for soldiers
Our Raksha Bandhan celebrations
are incomplete without sending best wishes to
Indian soldiers on this special occasions because before anyone else,
you are the ones who deserve these wishes the most…..
We all love you and we all are proud of you.
raksha bandhan wishes to soldiers
jahaan ham aur tum hindoo-musalamaan ke phark mein lad rahe hain, kuchh log ham donon ke khaatir sarahad kee barph mein mar rahe hain. neend ud gaya yah soch kar, hamane kya kiya desh ke lie, aaj phir sarahad par baha hain khoon meree neend ke lie. jay hind
jahar pilaakar majahab ka, in kashmeeree paravaanon ko, bhay aur laalach dikhalaakar tum bhej rahe naadaanon ko, khule prashikshan, khule shastr hai khulee huee shaitaanee hai, saaree duniya jaan chukee ye harakat paakistaanee hai, jay hind
raksha bandhan message to soldiers
Each and everyday of your life, you have surrendered it to the protection of your countrymen…. We wish you good health and eternal happiness on the occasion of Raksha Bandhan because you are the ones who are always there to protect us from enemies.
seema nahin bana karateen hain kaagaz kheenchee lakeeron se, ye ghatatee-badhatee rahatee hain veeron kee shamasheeron se. jay hind
rakhi quotes for soldiers 2020
There is only one soldier without any kind of exorcism,
Every night, every night, every happiness, every sorrow,
Protects us on everyone and stands like a strong cluster.
Huge mascots of Rakhi to all young brothers.
raksha bandhan quotes for indian army 2020
Rakhi festival is incomplete
Without those brothers,
Which lay on the outskirts
Protect us every day,
So we stay safe,
Every Hindu Indian soldier on Raksha Bandhan
The beauty of Rakhi.
raksha bandhan quotes for indian army in hindi
राखी के त्यौहार अधुरा है,
उन भाईयों के बिना,
जो सरहद पर पड़ा,
हर दिन हमारी रक्षा करते हैं,
इसलिए हम सलामत रहें,
रक्षा बंधन पर हर हिन्दू हिंदुस्तानी जवान को
राखी की सुन्दरता।
Share with your family, friends, and loved ones to maintain your great feeling and love for them. For more Indian and Hindu festivals wishes quotes and images keep visiting our website Hindu Parv.