Some people also celebrate Valentine’s Day as Saint Valentine’s Day. In earlier times, this festival was celebrated only in some places. But now this festival is celebrated almost everywhere in the world. Here the festival is very important for any loving couple. Each day has a different significance in these festivals and goes by giving a different Sikh every day, which has different importance in every person’s life. These days many people are nervous to tell their heart and are unable to tell their heart to another person, as well as in words, due to which their mutual relationship is properly established. Can not do it. For the solution to this problem, we have prepared a list of best specials and quotes for you, with the help of which you can tell your partner about your mind, Valentine day Wishes Quotes in Marathi for GF.
Happy Valentine Day Wishes in Marathi for Friends
सगळ्यांपेक्षा वेगळी आणि सुंदर
तू नक्कीच आहेस,
पण त्यापेक्षाही सुंदर
तुझे माझ्या आयुष्यात असणे आहे…
Happy Valentines Day!
See more-: Happy Valentines Day 2021 3D Images

या Valentines Day ला
मला गिफ्ट मध्ये,
तू आणि तुझा Time हवा आहे,
जो फक्त माझ्या साठी असेल…
Happy Valentine Day Jaan!
Valentine Day Quotes for Family in Marathi
एक डोळे मिचकावणे, एक लाजाळू स्मित आणि एक
जिज्ञासू देखावा, एका अविस्मरणीय प्रेमात वाढले आहे
जे मला विश्वास आहे, ते स्टोरीबुकमध्ये आहे. व्हॅलेंटाईनडेच्या शुभेच्छा प्रिय ”

Valentine Day Wishes in Marathi for Girlfriend 2021
कधीतरी बायको सोबतही,
प्रियकरासारखं जगा..
कधीतरी तिलाही,
एक गुलाब देऊन बघा…
प्रेम दिवसाच्या शुभेच्छा !
See more-: Happy Teddy Day 3D Images for GF
आज प्रेमाचा दिवस..
तू माझं पाहिलं प्रेम..
आपल्या या गोड गोड प्रेमाच्या तुला
खूप खूप शुभेच्छा…
Happy Valentines Day!
Love You So Much, My Love.
Happy Valentine Day Message for Boyfriend in Marathi
Happy Valentine Day
तिला पण बोला..
जी तुम्हाला तुमच्या
जन्म देण्याच्या आधीपासून,
तुमच्यावर खूप प्रेम करते…
मी वचन देतो की आपण न जुमानता साहस करता,
धरुन मजबूत हात, शिकण्यास इच्छुक मन आणि
वाढते प्रेम व्हॅलेंटाईन डेच्या शुभेच्छा माझ्या प्रिय “
We hope that with the help of the special and court list given by us, you will be able to choose the message according to your mind, with the help of which you will be able to tell your spouse or future partner correctly about your heart. . At the same time, we also hope that this will make the relationship between you even better. We hope that you will come back to our website. On our website, you will get a special list of special end quotes in every way.
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